You might find yourself feeling a little strange this week. That’s perfectly normal, because if nothing else, a change to your usual sanity is as good as a rest from it. You see, this week features one major aspect that is absolutely ideal for love and romance, and it casts its effect over the entire week. Other than that though? There’s some pretty nutty stuff going on out there.
On Monday, the Sun enters Aquarius. Aquarius has a reputation for being a little on the strange or unusual side, and there’s nothing wrong with that. This week though, you will probably notice that effect going on around you even more than usual, and not just because birthday parties for Aquarians can get a little strange. The Sun also spends most of this week in a square to Uranus. That aspect, although not actually exact until Thursday, will make most of the week a little erratic and eccentric for either you or the people around you. And Aquarius is all about “the people around you.”
Sometimes though, a little disruption can be an excellent thing. And if you’re feeling a little crazy this week, maybe it’s time for what Freddie Mercury called a “crazy little thing called love.” The biggest aspect of this week leaves some particular groundwork for that to happen. On Thursday, Venus sextile Jupiter is exact. Even with your non-romantic interactions, you will probably find that this week a little kindness goes further than usual. And as far as love and romance go? This is one of the best aspects that you could ask for.
Of course, maybe your love and romance situation needs some change. I always find that setting out your intentions to change things within the next month always pays off a little better on a New Moon. Friday’s New Moon in Aquarius will give you the opportunity to do just that. This particular New Moon might be a particularly powerful one, since it happens while Saturn conjunct Pluto is still in effect. That’s a lot of punch right there, and even if the Saturn-Pluto conjunction has been making you miserable the last few months, it is still power that can be used wisely.
If nothing else, think carefully about your decisions and what goals you set for yourself. Mercury sextile Mars is exact on Saturday. That aspect can make for powerful thoughts and words, but even the relatively peaceful sextile aspect can be troublesome if Mars is involved. When it comes to relationships in particular, a Mercury-Mars aspect can often be better for “talking dirty” than for actually “doing dirty.” On the other hand, it’s kind of thrilling to send or receive a naughty text message. Just make sure you’re sending it to the right person.
The post Love Horoscope for the Week of January 20 — appeared first on The Church and School of Wicca.