Overall, the transits for love and romance are pretty good this week. However, if you’re one of those people who likes being pessimistic, allow me to remind you that Mars opposite Uranus (although exact last week) will still be in effect this week. Tempers and sex drives will be all over the place and not particularly subject to common sense. You’re welcome.
On Monday, Venus enters Capricorn. To be honest, I feel this is one of those planetary placements that doesn’t get nearly the credit it deserves. Yes, one can make the case that Venus in Capricorn will make people more interested in stable, committed relationships. But I think this fairly standard interpretation overlooks the fact that Venus in Capricorn can also be pretty sexy. That, and between now and December 20th (when it enters Aquarius), Venus in Capricorn will be making some powerful transits — some good ones, even!
Tuesday brings a New Moon in Sagittarius. I always remind people to set their intentions for the next month on the day of a New Moon. Given the optimistic nature of Sagittarius, I’m recommending you all set your intentions to be as cheerful as possible in the next month, before the Saturn-Pluto conjunction becomes exact and ruins it for so many of us.
Neptune ends its retrograde and turns direct on Wednesday. Outer planet retrogrades tend to take a long time and their effects can often be overlooked. The thing to keep in mind here is that this week Neptune will be considered “stationary.” That’s some powerful energy for spiritual or creative matters. Don’t let it go to waste.
What makes that Neptune station even more powerful is that the next day, Mercury trine Neptune is exact. If there is something that you need to say or write or communicate, this is a great time to do so with sensitivity and creativity. Is there anyone out there you’ve been tempted to write a love letter to? Get on it!
The biggest aspect of the week (as far as love and romance are concerned) is exact on Thursday. Venus trine Uranus is a great time to try out something new and adventurous with your love life. Go ahead, ask someone out who isn’t expecting it. Or if you’re in a relationship, suggest some new and exciting activity. Remember the first time you tried Thai food (or whatever) and found it was absolutely delicious? It’s like that. Worst case scenario? If it all turns out bad, at least Mercury sextile Saturn, which is exact on Saturday, will help you compose a solid apology.
Finally, I should mention that Sunday will be the final full day of Jupiter in Sagittarius until the year 2030. Normally a sign change like that is well beyond the purview of a weekly forecast like this. But I want you to remember that you heard this here first, when you’re online and reading a bunch of stuff that’s going to pick on Jupiter in Capricorn: Jupiter in Capricorn is going to be a much better thing than you might think.
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